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Private Wealth Management

How Your Financial Health Depends on Proper Insurance Coverage

When the world is uncertain, your financial health is closely tied to the insurance coverage you have in place to protect against that uncertainty.

The Link Between Insurance and Financial Stability

Insurance plays a vital role in maintaining financial stability by acting as a safety net against unforeseen events. When you have the right insurance policies in place in every aspect of your life, you are protected against significant financial losses that can arise from unforeseen accidents, illnesses, or other unexpected circumstances.

Without adequate insurance, even minor occurrences can lead to substantial financial strain. For instance, a medical emergency can quickly deplete your savings if you don't have health insurance. Similarly, an auto accident without adequate coverage can result in hefty out-of-pocket expenses. What about accidental liability at home? Different insurance policies provide the necessary cushions to keep your financial plans on track.

Some Types of Insurance to Consider for Robust Financial Health

Just like investing, it’s important to have diversity in insurance coverage as each type serves a different purpose. Health insurance is crucial for covering medical expenses and ensuring you have access to necessary treatments without going into debt. Auto liability insurance is mandatory in 49 states and protects you against the financial repercussions of accidents.

Homeowner or renter insurance safeguards your property and belongings from damage or theft. Also importantly, life insurance ensures that your loved ones are financially protected in the event you pass away unexpectedly. If you’re not yet retired, disability insurance generally replaces some of your income if you're unable to work due to illness or injury. Each of these types of insurance play a unique role in fortifying your finances.

Remember Inadequate Coverage Can Also Derail Your Financial Plans

Inadequate insurance coverage can have severe consequences. Without sufficient health insurance beyond a catastrophic plan, even routine medical procedures can become unaffordable, leading to debt and financial instability. Insufficient auto insurance can leave you liable for substantial repair or medical costs following an accident – regardless of fault.

Life insurance that doesn't adequately cover your family's needs can result in financial hardship for your dependents. Similarly, underestimating the value of your home and belongings can mean inadequate compensation in the event of a loss. These gaps in coverage can quickly derail your financial goals and plans.

Why Regular Insurance Reviews Are Important

At a minimum, annual insurance reviews are essential to ensure your coverage remains adequate and relevant to your evolving needs. Life changes such as marriage, divorce, or purchasing a new home can significantly impact your insurance requirements. Periodically reviewing your policies helps you identify any gaps or outdated coverage.

Insurance providers frequently update their plans. Staying informed about these changes can benefit you, and regular reviews allow you to compare different policies and providers to ensure you're receiving the best value for your premiums.


When conducted as part of a holistic approach, insurance reviews complement critical wealth management areas such as trust and estate planning, tax consulting, financial planning, and investment management. This integrated perspective enables your financial advisor to craft a seamless strategy tailored to your unique needs.

As we begin a new year, to ensure alignment of all aspects of your financial life, consider reaching out to your advisor to schedule a review, or email the client service team who will contact your advisor directly. 


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