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Managing money with the CAN SLIM investment system

A stock management process derived from researching the top-performing stocks in history and identifying seven (C-A-N-S-L-I-M) characteristics that each stock shared prior to significant price gains. Introduced and created by distinguished investor, William O’Neil.


Is This A Good Time To Invest?

Variables Change, Life Changes; How do you know when the time is right to invest? The first and...

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Featured Posts NorthCoast President's Posts Market Insights

Bull Market Lifecycle: Pessimism to Euphoria

President and CIO Patrick Jamin, CFA, FRM, reflects on the impact of political events on market...

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Research Whitepapers

Concentrated Stock Quarterly Update Q2 2022

We remain conservative (U.S.) and cautious (International) with equity exposure as we believe that...

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