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Private Wealth Management

Managing Sequence Risk for a Secure Retirement

Navigating the turbulent waters of retirement requires understanding investment sequence risk

Understanding Sequence Risk: The Retirement Pitfall

Sequence risk, also known as sequence of returns risk, is the danger that the timing of withdrawals from your retirement account will negatively impact the overall amount of money available for your retirement. This risk is particularly acute during the early years of retirement, when large withdrawals coupled with market downturns can severely deplete your savings.

Unlike average returns, which provide a long-term view of investment performance, sequence risk focuses on the order in which returns occur. Even if your portfolio has an average return over time, poor returns in the initial years of retirement can significantly reduce your nest egg, making it difficult to recover.

The Impact of Market Volatility on Retirement Savings

Market volatility plays a crucial role in sequence risk. Fluctuations in the market can lead to periods of high returns followed by sharp declines, or vice versa. When you are withdrawing funds for living expenses during retirement, these fluctuations can have a pronounced effect on your financial stability.

For instance, if you experience a market downturn early in retirement while making withdrawals, you may be forced to sell investments at a loss, thereby locking in those losses and reducing the future growth potential of your portfolio. Conversely, experiencing strong market returns early on can provide a buffer, making it easier to weather future downturns.

Strategies to Mitigate Sequence Risk

One effective strategy to mitigate sequence risk is to create a diversified investment portfolio that balances risk and return. This can help smooth out the impact of market volatility over time. Hedged equity strategies in particular can be effective in allowing you to adequately weather any significant market fluctuations during pre-retirement or retirement. Additionally, allocating some of your investment funds into fixed income bond ladders may also provide a source of funds that are not subject to market fluctuations. These tactics will help allow you to avoid selling investments at a loss during downturns.

Another approach is to adopt a flexible withdrawal strategy. Instead of withdrawing a fixed amount each year, you can adjust your withdrawals based on market performance. For example, you could reduce withdrawals during years when the market performs poorly and increase them when returns are strong. This flexibility can help preserve your portfolio's longevity.

The Role of Diversification in Protecting Your Nest Egg

Diversification is a key component in managing sequence risk. By spreading your investments across a variety of asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, and alternatives, you reduce the impact of any single investment's poor performance on your overall portfolio. This balanced approach can help stabilize returns and reduce the likelihood of significant losses during market downturns.

Working with a Financial Advisor to Secure Your Retirement

Navigating sequence risk and market volatility requires careful planning and a thorough understanding of your financial situation. A financial advisor can help you develop a comprehensive retirement strategy tailored to your specific needs and risk tolerance. They can provide guidance on asset allocation, withdrawal strategies, and diversification, ensuring that your retirement savings are protected against sequence risk.

Additionally, a financial advisor can help you stay disciplined and avoid emotional reactions to market fluctuations. By keeping you focused on your long-term goals and providing ongoing support, they can help you make informed decisions that enhance the security of your retirement.

To ensure alignment of all aspects of your financial life, consider reaching out to a NorthCoast financial advisor to schedule a review. 


NorthCoast Asset Management is a d/b/a of, and investment advisory services are offered through, Kovitz Investment Group Partners, LLC (Kovitz), an investment adviser registered with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Registration with the SEC or any state securities authority does not imply a certain level of skill or training. More information about Kovitz can be found at

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